Family Volunteers
Students’ families sign a Volunteer Commitment each semester, agreeing to help the school through these committees:
- Classroom and Staff Support Committee: responsible for assisting with field trips, welcoming new families to the school, recruiting volunteers within their child’s class events or special projects, assisting with classroom parties, acting as room parents, and coordinating teacher appreciation activities.
- Development and Marketing Committee: assists with coordinating special fundraising events, generates new ideas for development and growth, and works to improve and maintain marketing through the school’s website, business memberships, Box Tops, newsletters, Scholastic Book Clubs, and other venues.
- Helping Hands Committee: assesses the needs of our facility and implements necessary maintenance and repairs. The members endeavor to improve the school building and surrounding grounds. Parents with skills in repair, painting, general maintenance, gardening, and/or landscaping are especially needed.
- All parents are asked to donate two Saturdays per school year to participate in a Helping Hands work day. Helping Hands meets on a quarterly basis as scheduled from 9 AM to 1PM to work in the garden, complete necessary repairs, painting and general maintenance needs of the school. Vouchers will be given to participants for use towards reduced fees for the following month.
- Families also take turns volunteering to provide Hot Lunch on Fridays in each classroom.
Community Volunteers
Volunteers from the greater Big Bend community enrich the lives of our students by assisting with field trips, giving special presentations, leading extracurricular programs, and helping with special events. Contact our office if you would like to volunteer.